Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hakka Cheen Loong Pau

Resepi kuih ni terjumpa kat blog autie Yochana bebaru ni.. Dah lama mencari2 resepi kuih ni sebenarnya. Pada mulanya memang tak tau apa nama kuih ni.. tapi aku memang pernah nampak bila ada opismate (salesman) yang bawa balik berplastik2 ke opis kerana ramai staff2 Cina kat opis ni yang mengirim (beli) kuih ni setiap kali dia (salesman) outstation ke Sungai Buluh.. Dorang kata.. kat PJ ni takde orang jual kuih ni... cuma kat Sungai Buluh je yang ada agaknya.. itupun.. semestinya 'Chinese Hawker' ajelah.. bukan gerai Melayu. Oleh kerana kepingin nak tau macamana rasa kuih ni.. bila dah dpt resepinya.. teruslah aku mencubanya.. Boleh dikategorikan dlm keluarga roti atau pau.. sedap dimakan panas2 bila baru masak.. sedaplah juga.. mcm makan roti gitu.. Untuk pengetahuan kawan-kawan.. Hakka Cheen Loong Pau ni boleh diintikan dengan pelbagai jenis inti seperti kacang merah (mcm yang aku buat ni), kelapa, kacang tanah, kaya dll.. (aku tau ni mengikut apa yang aku tengok ofismate aku beli tu la)

Jom tengok resepi! Thanks to aunty Yochana for sharing this recipe... I share your recipe in my blog for my own references & for other friends if they have interest to try..

Source : Aunty Yochana

Ingredients for the skin:

200 gm. Hong Kong flour (I used all purpose flour)
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. Instant Yeast
35 gm. castor sugar
40 gm. shortening
100 ml. water (if dough is too dry, add a little bit more water)

Ingredients for fillings:

Mix all together:

100 gm. roasted groundnuts - blend
1 Tbsp. sesame seeds - roasted
30 gm. castor sugar
a pinch of salt
some water

I used Red bean paste (25 gm each & make a round ball)


(1) Mix all the skin pau ingredients into a mixer and beat till you get a smooth pliable dough. If it's too dry, add in a little bit water.
(2) Scale into a round ball and let it rest for 1 hour.
(3) Scale proved dough into 40 gm. portions and then wrap with fillings of your choice. You can either wrap with peanut fillings or red bean paste. Press lightly to flatten the surface.
(4) Leave to proof for another 45 mins.

(5) Heat up frying pan with some oil (not too much) and fry the paus until golden brown on both sides.

Selamat Mencuba!


  1. salam Madiha..dah lama cm cari resepi hakka pau ni..terima kasih..nak cuba buat ni:)

  2. kak..takde step by step ke?..heheheh

  3. Hi Lady, wow! I have not eaten these ages. Looks good too.
    Anymore left? Ha ha. Bet it tastes good with iced coffee.
    You have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

  4. CIKMANGGIS: itulahh.. kita pun dah lama tercari2 resepi ni.. mujur terjumpa kat blog auntie yochana...

    CTNAEMAH: ct.. senang jer buat ni.. serupa kita nak buat pau biasa tu.. cuma perlu dileperkan lepas nak masukkan inti.. pastu biar dia naik then barulah dimasak dlm kuali..

    UNCLE LEE: hi uncle... thanks for vising my humble blog.. must be u really missed to eat this pau's... at my place Petaling Jaya never seen people sell this pau.. so grateful to aunty yochana for sharing this recipe.. hmm... but so sorry uncle.. no more left... hehehe...

  5. kak.. kalau inti tu ganti ngan sardin ke .. atau inti cam murtabak tu bole ker? (wahhh.. aku kan.. yo yo je.. haha)

    1. boleh juga kot.. takde masalah.. tp akak tak pernah lg nampak kwn2 cina mkn versi inti savoury... semua jenis inti manis.. hehe...
