Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Savoury Oat Porridge

Masa ketiga2 anak demam hari tu.. rasa risau kerana diaorang semua tak selera nak makan nasi. So.. nak bagi diaorang makan selalunya aku masak bubur nasi. Selain bubur nasi.. masak juga bubur oat ni. Memang sedap!! Tapi kalau nak masak bubur oat ni.. lepas masak.. terus segera makan ye.. kalau makan lambat ia akan jadi pekat (macam bubur aku tu) tapi still rasanya enak banget!! Bukan orang demam je yg berselera... ibunya pun sama berselera.. hehehe...

Jom lihat resepi.. nanti aku masukkan versi bubur nasi pulak.. aku masih ikut resepi asas yang sama jugak sebab aku rasa resepi bubur ni ada kelainannya dari yang biasa aku buat.. sebab ada campuran rempah & halba tu.. memang best!! Terima kasih kepada tuan empunya resepi yer.. saya copy & paste resepinya kat sini...

Bubur ni sedap dimakan bersama ikan bilis goreng garing, keropok keping goreng atau taburan lobak asin serta hirisan daun bawang.. yummy!!

Savoury Oat Porridge

1 cup of oat
half onion - sliced
some chicken / beef / lamb - small diced (MaDiHaA guna ayam)
sliced ginger
1 tbsp of soup / korma powder (guna rempah sup)
1 star anise
2 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1-2 coconut milk/fresh milk
whole black pepper
fenugreek seeds (halba)
half teaspoon of Maggie chicken stock
scallion (daun bawang) - for garnish

1. Drizzle some olive oil in a hot pot.
2. Fry the cinnamon stick, star anise, cloves, black pepper and the fenugreek seeds for a while.
3. Then add the onion and ginger. Fry until the onion soft.
4. Add the soup / korma powder. Stir.
5. Add the chicken and the chicken stock.
6. Fry until the chicken is slightly brown, pour some water.
7. Bring to boil and simmer until the chicken is cook.
8. Add the oat. Stir and pour the coconut milk.
9. Add some seasoning; salt, ground black pepper and sugar.
10. Pour some water if the porridge is too thick.
11. Bring to simmer until the oat are ready.
12. Served. Garnish with some scallion.
13. You can serve this with fried anchovies or sambal tumis ikan bilis and fish /prawn crackers.

Selamat mencuba!

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