Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Garlic Rolls (without egg)

Assalamualaikum & selamat pagi...

Dah sarapan ke semua? Kalau belum.. jom sarapan dengan Garlic Rolls yang sedap nih! Lembut, gebu, wangi & rasanya pun sedap.. ralit kunyah2 roti ni sedar2 dah habis 2 ketul! Nanti nak buat lagilah... tak puas makan... lepas ni nak cuba pula buat guna garlic spread seperti resepi yang diberikan.  Roti kali ni disapu garlic spread yang dibeli siap dari kedai aje sebab kebetulan memang dah ada.. so gunakan ajelah.. 

Memang tak rugi buat roti ni.. anak2 semuanya suka... Nak buatnya pun takdelah susah sangat. Walaupun tak letak telur.. tapi roti tetap lembut.  Thanks Suhaina for this recipe. Terpikat dengan resepi ni bila terpandang blog Taste of pearl city. Salah satu roti kegemaran & terpilih sebagai 'best recipe' Umm Mymoonah sepanjang dia berblog dalam tahun 2010 katanya. Kalau dah terpilih sebagai best recipe tu.. dah tentu2lah sebab sedap kan? Itu yang aku berkobar2 nak mencuba tu.. hehe.. Tapi sebenarnya.. sedap atau tidak itu bergantung pada citarasa masing2.. mungkin ada diantara kawan2 yang tak sukakan bawang putih & daun ketumbar jadi dah tentu2lah resepi ni bukan pilihan buat anda.  Tapi bagi aku roti ni memang kena dengan citarasa aku.  Cuma masa buat aritu ada kesilapan sikit masa aku menggulung roti tu.. sepatutnya doh dibahagikan kepada 2 bahagian.. tapi aku hentam canai seketul gitu jer.. Nak cepat sangat & termiss sikit arahan resepi tu... Walau apapun.. takde menjejaskan apa2.. cuma kurang comel aje gulungan tu sebab tak dapat gulungan yang nipis.. itu ajelah.. takpe2.. pasti ada percubaan kali ke dua insyaAllah..

Ok.. here I share the recipe for those who eager to try this recipe by your self.. Thanks to Suhaina for this lovely recipe & thanks to Umm Mymoonah for inspiring me by your lovely photos.. hehe..

Garlic Rolls (without egg)
Recipe : Suhaina
Source : Umm Mymoonah

Ingredients: (makes 8 rolls)

    * Plain Flour- 3 cups MaDiHaA guna tepong roti (next time boleh tambah dalam 2 ~ 3 sudu besar tepong lagi sebab doh agak lembik)
    * Warm Water- 1 cup*
    * Yeast- 1tbps #
    * Salt - 1tsp
    * Sugar- 2 tbps
    * Extra Virgin Olive Oil- 2-3 tbps


    * Mix everything together except oil with warm water and knead  until you get a smooth dough.
    * Add oil and knead until the dough springs back when you press with your finger.
    * Apply oil and allow to rise for 40-45 minutes. By this time it will be double its initial size.
    * Make the garlic spread.
    * Knock down the air in the dough and divide the dough into two equal portions.
    * Grease a baking pan or loaf tin with butter.
    * Roll the dough using a rolling pin. Apply flour to prevent sticking.
    * The rolled out dough must be at least half inch thick.
    * Try to make it more like a rectangle. Apply one tablespoon of the garlic spread on it.
    * Roll it and cut it into two equal parts and further cut the two parts into two, so that you get 4 equal rolls.
    * Now place the rolls with the cut side up in the greased pan.
    * Repeat the same procedure for the remaining dough.
    * Apply the balance garlic spread on top and apply milk or egg wash which ever you prefer.
    * Sprinkle sesame seeds (optional)
    * Allow to proof for another 20 minutes.
    * In the mean time preheat the oven to 180 degree C. (MaDiHaA guna suhu 170C)
    * Bake for 20-25 minutes until the house is filled with the aroma of roasted garlic and bread..
    * Take a bite into this lovely soft and flavourful rolls. You will surely fall in love with it.

* The quantity of water depends on the brand of flour used. I sometimes use less than a cup, sometimes more than a cup for the same 3 cups of flour.
# I add 1 tablespoon yeast for a quick rise. You can reduce the quantity of yeast(say 1tsp) and let it rise slowly too. MaDiHaA uli menggunakan BM & gunakan sukatan seperti arahan & dapati doh sedikit lembik agak sukar untuk mencanai & menggulung. So next time.. akan tambah sedikit lagi tepong.

GARLIC SPREAD (MaDiHaA gunakan garlic spread yang ready made aje)

Used for making garlic buns, rolls and even can be spreaded on breads before toasting it.

Salted Butter- 50grams
Garlic- 3 grated
Coriander leaves - 2 tablespoon (chopped) 
Bring butter to room temperature.
Mix everything together.
Can be stored in the chill tray for up to one week.

Jom sarapan!


  1. Madihah,
    semalam datang tengok lauk kari,kek coklat,tapi cuti sekolah nie tak dan nak lama2 kat pc kejap ajer dah ada penganti.sib baik pagi nie sempat nak jengah dan tengok roti kalau idak melepas lagi....

  2. Salam Madihaa,, mabeles! best recipe ni mesti di cuba..

  3. sedapnya dapat makan roti garlic ni..
    ditambah pula baunya yang sangat harum..

  4. sedapnya kak teringin nak cuba..saya suka garlic..:)

  5. sedapnyer garlic bread!!! tp tun x suka ketumbar.. hehe.. biasa kalau buat spread utk garlic bread, tun akan letak garlic+origano =)

  6. waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....sedapnya roti kat umah dia....terliur akak tengok, patutlah terbau2 dari sini....mintak cikit boleh?

  7. bikin roti k. madiha ni rajinnye...mesti sedap makan roti buatan sendiri leh makan banyak2...
    gebusss terliur dibuatnya he he

  8. kak, saya suka garlic bread ni..memang best tgk roti akak yg gebus ni..nanti bolehla try ni tq kak:)

  9. Assalam kak,sy suka sgt garlic bread,nnti leh try rcp ni..Nmpak sedap,kalo akak kata best tuh,mesti best kan,nmpak gebu gebas jer..
    Pstt akak,xper kesilapan cikit jer,akceli arwah datuk sebelah bapa sy dulu mmg mamak kak,india mari,hihi..Cuma xsama ngan mami penang jer kak,sbb mami byk jenis kepochi n perangai cam duk tayang kat tv,hehe..

  10. Kita pon suka garlic bread, masa single mingel selalu makan kat alamanda, putrajaya yg panas2 lagi...

    tp kat JB tak tau kat mana sedap..
    buatkan kita boleh... ;)

  11. Salams sister, I'm glad that you tried this recipe and you liked it. Looks wonderful.

  12. Salam Ratna...rajin kamu buat roti..Rahel ni suka mkn roti tapi jarang beetul nak buat roti..selalu main beli jer..tapi roti yg Ratna wat ni memang menarik je resepinya..n nampak lembut gebu..

  13. Assalamualaikkum ...very happy to know that u have tried the recipe..It has come out really wonderful...I can smell and taste that wonderful rolls from here....simply amazing...very happy to follow u dear...u have a lovely blog...

  14. kak, dah buat dah roti garlic roll ni.sedap tq sharing ya:)
